Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don't listen

I promised myself I would continue to write no matter what, so I'm back by force. I am still looking for work and have been somewhat dejected recently. I expect to have to fight those feelings, it's not going to be easy finding quality work. It is amazing how your mind can turn against you if you allow it to. I was beginning to think that I wasn't going to get an interview, that nobody wanted to talk to me, that maybe I wasn't good enough or maybe my qualifications are too much and employers were looking to hire people for less money. It's been over a week and I haven't had an interview. Your mind tends to want to think the worst.

Having said that I have spent the last 24 hours in a flurry of emails and phone calls, getting answers from several key employers and I have an interview this afternoon! So it does seem after all that my qualifications and abilities might be needed in this industry. You really have to fight that feeling or that small voice inside you that wants to make you out to be such a loser. I know everyone has that voice and it's tough to beat him down and keep him there. I am mentally stronger than most and I have had a really great attitude about my sudden unemployment and I will not let the voice bother me. It's on to bigger and better things.

I'm off to research the company that's interviewing me today. I must know everything I can about them in order to have an edge. I know I interview well; I'm bold and I present well and I'm confident that I can do the job better than most. I also will throw in a very strong close: I will offer my next employer this - that the day I start my new job I will bring my signed resignation dated 60 days from that date. In other words I will resign my new position in 60 days. The only way I can stay on the job any longer will be for my employer to rehire me in writing. After 60 days I'll go home and I won't come back. My employer will have to call me back. That gives them a 60 day guarantee. If I'm not all what they thought they were getting then they wasted 60 days, not 6 months. I'll be voluntarily gone and they can replace me with a better candidate. Simple as that. No one else that I know of will offer that and that should put me ahead of the pack. All else being equal; if they find someone of my caliber with my qualifications then I will edge him/her out because of the boldness of my 60 day offer. I get the job! From there I will make sure I keep the job!

Try that on your next interview...

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