Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Military writings

As I have said, I have reams of notes going back for years. Mostly notes on success and human development, I would title them 'metacognition' notes. I have been studying myself all my life, trying to figure me out, trying to understand how I learn and how I succeed so that I can position myself to be happy and enjoy my successes. I'm not sure how good I am at this point; it seems that I am somewhat successful but improvements come slowly. Hey, I never was that good at school....

I was heavily involved in a chat site when our youngest son, Ryan, was deployed with the 1/6 Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our group was entitled the eBattalion (e stands for estrogen - it's a long story). It was an escape from life, escape from the daily shadows that follow all parents with a child in harms way, and I was the self-made entertainment clown. I wrote many things that were quite funny, but I had my serious side as well.

I just came across two of my writings during those times. For simplicity sake I will post them both together. The first was a short post to the parents and members of the chat site that I wrote about a fallen warrior - Justin Cooper. He was with the 1/6 Marines in Afghanistan and was killed in action. The second writing is actually a poem. Yes, I wrote many poems then. This poem was after we lost several Marines and it was an outpouring of my thoughts and hopefully a healing tool for the many family members on the ebattalion site.

Justin Cooper

The deafening noise of the drama unfolds, battle lines drawn between good and evil. An attacked country fights honorably for the freedom of an oppressed people. Chaos reigns, evil thrives, and uncertainty clouds the judgement of all. Fear infiltrates and erodes the morals of man.

In the thickest of the fight, through the dust and smoke and clouds, there alone stood one brave Marine.

His name was Justin Cooper.

For God called Justin to stand and deliver. He did not shirk, he did not shy, he bravely stepped to his destiny. Then God called him home, and Justin became our hero.

In the final measure, nothing speaks like deeds. Just as he surely had done countless times growing up, Justin stood up to protect the weak. Hero, warrior, patriot. Son, brother, protector. A leader of men.

Now, we are thanking you. For being so strong, for enduring all your pain, but most of all for giving us Justin. We would not have known Justin at all, then he stepped bravely into the realm of Hero, a Fallen Hero, now one of God's Marines. It was only then that we learned of this man, how selfless, how giving he was. It is only men of his creed, this righteous strain of men of steel, that are chosen to selflessly give their lives for the freedom of our great country. How sad that only the best are chosen for this sacrifice, but how wonderful that we honor them for the rest of our lives. And honor him we will do, for Justin has valiantly earned that honor.

Justin, we miss you, and we thank you for your selfless service to us and to this great country of ours on which you laid your life.

The tears shed by a Marine
Are the most rare and fall the hardest
For they are shed for our fallen brothers.

Semper Fidelis

Ken & MaryAnn Kraft
Former Marine
Parents of Sg. Ryan Kraft
Charlie Company, 1/6 Marines



In this time of such great pain,
In these dark days of war's rein
He's talking to you now
And telling you calmly how

It was his turn to be - A Hero

As he was growing up,
A man from just a pup
Dreaming dreams like this by day
He always knew he'd find a way

To be - A Hero

Tortured and persecuted the people were,
Struck repeatedly by terror's evil spur
Never keeping what they earn
Not knowing where to turn

They cried out for - A Hero

He knew his chance had come
As he watched the towers tumble down
He packed up his things and kissed his wife
Just as he knew he would all his life

It was his time to be - A Hero

Sleepless nights, intense heat,
Never knowing when he'll eat
He looked into the eyes of the innocent
Content with himself that his life was being spent

As - A Hero

And he saw the progress made
As the people came out of the shade
He knew the right thing was being done
But the ugly war was far from won

They thanked him for being - A Hero

Then the weapon found it's mark,
And his whole world turned to dark
As his life poured out his veins
He felt the peace that always came

To - A Hero

Now he'd been doing it all his life,
So it just seemed natural that warm night
The position that he always did seek,
His turn to stand between the evil and the weak

His turn to be - A Hero

And now he passes the burden to you,
In memory of him, what will you do?
Find your passion, find your cause
And in his name have no more pause

Your turn to be - A Hero

We always think we don't have enough,
Hasn't he shown that you can be tough?
He's telling you now from Heaven's peak
Your turn to stand between the evil and the weak.

And you've always been - His Hero

Ken Kraft
October 2007

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